My core passion is helping people live a better life and encouraging them to succeed and reach their goals. I run a faith & lifestyle blog called TheMidiMaven and also freelance as a Publicist. My clothes have taken me to amazing fashion week events, life experiences, and more! My goal is to inspire young women like myself and to create a living doing what I love while living a meaningful life.
One of my proudest moments is being the first of my family to get a bachelors degree. I think the most powerful thing about being a woman is our ability to know things intuitively, being in tune with our emotions and also being nurturers.
I became a contributor for ThreadConnection because I loved the concept of getting to know the story of each individual, making the shopping process more personable. I've often thought about who or where my clothes came from when shopping at a thrift store. I think this is a really amazing idea!
The message I hope to send to other women is to stay true to yourself and your style. Strive to become a BETTER you everyday and learn to give freely. I believe the thread that connects us all is that we're all fearfully and wonderfully made by a perfect God who loves us. I believe this unconditional love is what we all seek and yearn for in our lives. God is Love.